spiritual upliftment ®

About Me


After an acute life crisis, combined with serious illness, I became aware of Pjotr Elkunovic in the phase of my regeneration. His extraordinary aura made a lasting impression on me. I quickly decided to experience this unique healing method for myself. I took part in a healing day in Munich with Carolin and Alexander Toskar. Alexander Toskar is the son of Pjotr Elkunoviz. The profound experience during my 'spiritual upliftment' awakened in me the desire to learn this healing method in order to be able to help other people seeking help.

With enthusiasm and passion I completed my training as a healer with Carolin & Alexander.

My soul finally has your peace!


The charitable organizations of Carolin and Alexander Toskar

The mission of the Foundation for Spiritual Health and the Spiritual Health Charity e.V. is the development and promotion of spiritual health and well-being of children and non-independent people.

The charitable organizations have their headquarters in Zurich and Cologne. And are looked after on a voluntary basis. The support of the selected projects takes the form of treatments, spiritual guidance in helping people to help themselves and donations.




Healers United


For 30 years people all over the world have been experiencing the spiritual healing method known today as 'The Spiritual Straightening'. This name was first developed and spread by us, Carolin and Alexander Toskar. It serves to identify the original healing method.


Initiated in 1989 by the Russian spiritual healer Pjotr Elkunoviz, Alexander's father, the Spiritual Erecting is spread by us, the initiator Pjotr Elkunoviz and by the healers trained and authorized by us.


The healers initiated by Pjotr Elkunoviz and Alexander Toskar can be found at



Contact Me

You're interested? Then don't hesitate to contact me!
